What began as an interest in part-time employment at a local restaurant transformed into my most significant freelance project since graduation. Upon building a relationship with the restaurant's owner, I expressed to him my interest in pitching a new visual identity for Buena Onda. I presented him with a list of goals:
1. Develop a family of marks emphasizing legiblity and clear hierarchy.
2. Introduce brand guidelines in order to tie together all printed material and digital content.
3. Establish unique typography + illustrations that customers can begin to identify with and appreciate.
4. Infuse aspects of Argentinian art + culture into the brand.
5. Utilize color and contemporary design trends to stand out in physical and virtual spaces.
Fortunately, the pitch was a success! Due to the nature of my position as an employee in the kitchen as well a visual designer for the brand, I felt a close connection with my work. I spent time at both locations, worked numerous events, and was even promoted to be a shift manager after several months.
I knew what Buena Onda felt like, I new what tasted it like, I knew what it smelled like, and now it was time to figure out what it would look like.